I’m so grateful to have found a holistic alternative to traditional medicine.

Have you ever had something come into your life at just the right time?

My son was struggling with emotional symptoms anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. He was also struggling with physical symptoms, such as stomach aches, nausea, and weight loss. He was barely eating, never hungry and getting super skinny. He was barely getting through the school day.

High school was unbearable, he wanted nothing to do with friends or family, he was depressed.

We reached out to the doctors and did some testing with no answers. I was being told that they couldn’t find anything physically wrong with him, his bloodwork and tests were “normal”

We were given stomach medications and offered SSRI’s but that was just a Band-Aid approach and not getting to what was going on and why.

He was insistent that many of his friends that were on SSRI’s and other medications for anxiety, depression or attention disorders were miserable on them. Ultimately, he refused to take the medications.

So I started asking about doing some nutrition testing, but I was disregarded by the doctors and told there was no reason to believe he had a nutritional deficiency.

I was blown away!

I could see everything about him had changed, the way he looked the way he felt and acted, he was not the same kid.

Maybe you’ve had a similar experience? Have you been disregarded when you explained symptoms or problems you were having.

Did you feel like you were not being heard?

I was watching my son wasting away and struggle with his emotional health. So, I reached out to a holistic practitioner who immediately put us on the path of healing through nutrition.

We worked on healing his gut and it wasn’t long before we started seeing results.

And as a mom, to see the healing happening was amazing!

We worked really hard to get to a healthier state. I knew then that I wanted to share this knowledge and help other people.

Healing his gut was the key to everything.

He was able to get off the stomach medication that was hurting more than helping his stomach.

He was able to start taking in food without feeling sick.

But most of all his gut, now in a healthier state, was able to start taking in the nutrients that his body needed.

Soon he was feeling better emotionally as well, his body was able to make the neurotransmitters it was lacking.

That is when I started looking into a program that would give me the knowledge and skills to help others.

I want to be the one practitioner that listens to you and works with you to get to your goals. Let’s get to what is going on in there, no more Band-Aid approaches.

You can feel better, improve your chronic illness and get back to living a fuller life.

Given the proper tools our bodies can heal! Everything is connected and all things matter.

As far as my son goes, I have continued to work with him on his nutrition. He has much better digestion; he understands what his body needs and eats a nutritious diet. And his anxiety and depression have greatly improved!

I want to help you and your loved ones heal what is going on in there so you can get back to living your best life.

I would love to talk with you about your health goals.